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02 Mar 2022

New tools to support farms' green goals

As featured in Arable Farming Magazine

New tools to support farms' green goals

by Arable Farming Magazine February issue

New BASIS training will focus on environmental management.

BASIS Registration has launched a new register for environmental advisers which will recognise professional standards for delivering advice in the increasingly important issues of improving and enhancing the environment on UK farmland.

The launch of the BASIS Environmental Advisers Register is the latest step in the organisations lengthy involvement with many aspects of improving and protecting the countryside.

Beginning almost 20 years ago, the first version of the BASIS BETA Conservation Management module was launched to take account of the increasing need to protect biodiversity and water quality and to support the work of the Voluntary Initiative.

Over the years, this course has proved popular as agriculture has come under increasing pressure to manage and enhance the environment.

Today, the farming industry is preparing for the introduction of Environment Land Management (ELM) schemes and the concept of receiving ‘public money for public goods.

BASIS has been at the forefront in developing training courses for farmers, land managers and those who advise them, to ensure issues of environmental management are addressed as professionally as those of crop production.

Currently, alongside the BETA Conservation Management module, BASIS offers a Soil and Water Management Certificate and a Level 6 course on the quality of soils, alongside environmental training in wider courses.

Qualifications Early this year, BASIS is launching further qualifications focused on environmental management.

The Principles of Sustainable Land Management will be the first new course, delivered in-person and online.

It will provide candidates with a foundation of knowledge in how to maximise on-farm environmental potential, through using environmental management alongside sustainable farming practices.

Teresa Meadows, who is leading the expansion of BASIS environmental offering, says: Successful candidates will finish the course armed with technical and practical farm-based knowledge that will enable them to successfully deliver the Sustainable Farming Incentive standards for farm businesses.

Later this year there will also be a significant revision and update of the BETA Conservation Management qualification.

This will create a course that provides an in-depth understanding of environmental land management, suited to land managers and advisers alike.

As Government plans for ELM schemes are clarified, we will be working to ensure our courses are aligned with policy objectives, as well as wider environmental aims, such as achieving net zero and improving biodiversity, adds Miss Meadows.

Training BASIS future plans include extending the environmental suite of training courses to encompass areas such as air and water quality, carbon management and regenerative farming.

The BASIS Environmental Advisers Register provides a natural complement to the new and revised courses.

Membership of the new register will validate and recognise the professional standards that a member has achieved, says Miss Meadows.

The new register will be open from June 2022.

BASIS will welcome applications from those already offering advice in the sector as well as new entrants via a qualification, or an initial application period for those with acquired rights to join, who can demonstrate experience and expertise in delivering environmental advice.

Once membership of the new register has been gained, individuals must obtain a requisite number of continuing professional development points each year to retain their status.

Full details of the new courses and how to join the new register are available on the BASIS website.

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