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13 Nov 2020

Land Drainage Importance After Another Wet Autumn

Autumn 2020 has produced above average rainfall for a large part of the UK and for many eastern counties, rainfall totals have been verging on extreme. This autumn has been a near carbon copy repeat of the previous year for many growers, causing a lot of worry and stress whilst also proving extremely costly to many farm businesses across the UK.

The relevance of land drainage has arguably never been more prominent and many farming clients have reported rapid payback on recent land drainage investments following the significant rainfall totals that have been present. Drainage investment has been the difference between getting autumn crops drilled, or root crops harvested for many farmers. The overall suite of benefits which land drainage is able to offers resulted in the importance of drainage investment being raised up the priority list as farms plan for the future. One key question that has been posed by many growers is Can we afford not to invest in land drainage systems going forwards?

William Morfoot Ltd operate across the UK delivering land drainage and water management solutions to farms as a means of improving yields and margins. Established in 1962, the company has a wealth of experience in this specialist area and as a result, it works for some of the leading names in British Agriculture all over the country.

Whilst climate and in particular rainfall is a major driver for drainage investment, BPS decline, Brexit, rising costs and critically the presence of ageing existing drainage systems installed decades ago have also all been major factors. Croptec has always been an excellent starting point for farmers to make contact with us to talk about potential projects they may be considering and to make arrangements to get problem areas assessed and surveyed.

Whilst the event this year is being held virtually with no physical stand presence for any exhibitors, we are very much attending and embracing the new format of Croptec and see it as an exciting new way to communicate with our client base. Our expert team will be on hand over the course of the event to hold discussions with any farmers who want to find out more about how drainage investment can make a noteworthy change to the performance of soils.

Our stand will provide visitors with digital access to our brochures and a selection of other media showing the kind of projects we are involved in delivering. Our team will be on hand over the 3 day event to speak directly with you and help you to develop your thinking on potential drainage projects for the future. We look forward to seeing you at the event!

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