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15 Apr 2021

Free crop nutrition webinar

Last year was the Yield Enhancement Network's (YEN) first year running the grain nutrient analysis and benchmarking service YEN Nutrition. 129 farms from all across the UK entered grain samples from wheat, barley, oats, oilseed rape, and pulse crops. Using grain analysis, ADAS crop physiologists were able to ascertain if the nutritional needs of crops submitted were met. However, by going a step further and benchmarking all these analysis results, individual farms were able to assess their crop nutrition against other members and get a truer picture of their overall nutritional performance in 2020.

Results revealed there is a substantial ‘farm factor at play when it comes to nutrition, just like with yields. Deficiencies were common overall, and generally found in the macronutrients. If left unchecked by the grower, such deficiencies could prove to be especially costly. For example with phosphorus, over half of the wheat samples submitted fell below the 0.32% level recommended in RB209 to prevent subsequent yield loss. From the data, the team were able to work out the approximate yield loss because of a nutrient deficiency and in the case of phosphorus, if a grower had a level of 0.25%, they were losing around 1t/ha in yield.

Every subsequent year that we carry do YEN Nutrition, the data collected will have increasing value in the future by helping members inter-relate seasons, soils, crops, varieties, husbandry and yields with multi-nutrient post-mortems field-by-field and farm-by-farm. If you would like to learn more about YEN Nutrition and the benefits of analysing your grain, join our free webinar 28 April 2021 at 4pm where we will be sharing our 2020 findings in detail and the benefits of submitting your grain for analysis in 2021. Register through GotoWebinar

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