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05 Nov 2021

What fertiliser has the lowest carbon footprint?

Whatfertiliserhasthe lowest carbon footprint?

by ICL

British agriculture is embracing the concepts of sustainability and preparing to enter a new regime where public funds are only available in return for ‘publicgoods. A natural fertiliser mined in Britain is set to play a major part both in the drive to achieve net zero farming within a decade and a significant improvement in the environmental benefits.

Polyhaliteis mineral rich in plant nutrients Potassium, Sulphur, Calcium and Magnesium that is extracted from deep underground at ICLsBoulbyMine on the North Yorkshire coast and is the first and only producer in the world. The mineral, marketed asPolysulphateis also used as a constituent of the ICL-FertilizerpluSrange of products and in blends, isalreadyproduced withthe lowestlow carbon footprintof any fertiliserand ICL is determined to achieve net zero in the future as it improves further the efficiency of its operations.

As part of its commitment to play an active part in UK farmings drive to net zero, ICL has aligned its goals with the NFUs three pillar initiative, whichwillsupport farmers through the transition.

Providing a non-nitrogenoussulphuralternative,Polysulphategives farmers many different options on how best to applysulphur. It also helps farmers achievea number ofother environmental benefits through its use.

Polysulphate-based fertilisers release nutrients more slowly than other sources of K and S. This slower release matches crop needs more closely so the nutrient is present when the plant needs it, thus reducing the risk of losses through run-off and leaching.

A pH neutral crop nutrient,Polysulphate-based products will not acidify soils.Thus,the need to apply lime is reduced, if not removed.

As anaturally-minedmineral,Polysulphatehas been approved for use in organic farming settings. Another pointer to the products being considered ‘environmentally friendly.

An ideal plan tooptimisethe environmental benefits ofPolysulphatein winter sown crops begins with an autumn application, either by combine drilling or applying separately around drilling time. The following spring, the usual amount ofsulphuris applied to boost yield and quality.

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