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29 Sep 2021


Early root development key to winter survival -FieldersKick-Offshowsremarkableresults in real farm situations

by Fielder's

In a recentcommercialfarm situation, Fielders seed treatment productKick-Offhas shownhugelyimpressive results, says the company.Independentestimates suggests that thelivecrop treated withKick-Offwillreturn yields of up to40% morethan an identical fieldnot treated withthebiostimulantseed treatmentKick-Off.

This successful in field scenario took place in Kinross, Scotland on two fields of winter oats. Both fields were sown on September25, 2020at a seed rate of 450 seeds/sq.m, and in identical conditions; the key difference being that one field of seeds had been treated withKick-Off, whilethe other had not.

Throughout February2021both fields experienced very cold temperatures, as well as frost heave.As a result, the field not treated with Kick-Off suffered from extreme root damage and stunted growth,due toa poorly established root system. In comparison the Kick-Off treated oat seedhad established a large and healthy root system, enabling the crop to survive these environmental stresses and delivera better yield.

According toDouglasGordonof Alexander Harley Seeds,Kick-Offhas had a substantial impact on the crops in these fields.All the oats treated withKick-Offhave come through thisperiod remarkablywell, having healthy and well-developedroot systems. In contrast, the field that did not have theKick-offseed treatmenthas suffered, leaving the crop with a loss of plants and what has survivedseverely reduced in size.Hesuggeststhat thesuperior root development promoted by Kick-off seed treatment,will lead toa 40% difference in yield.

Clear difference in root establishment with the crop treated with Kick-off on the left, and the oat not treated with Kick-off on the right

Fielders Kick-Offbrings together a combination ofphosphite andmanganese to get the plant off to a quick start, whilst thezinc and biostimulantaminoacids boosts early vigour all speeding up normal development processes. Kick-off is sold throughout the UK and Irelandand since its launch in 2013 has beenrecognised as one of theleadingbiostimulantseed treatments in the market, says Fielder.It is supplied in 20litre, 200land 1,000lcontainers.

To find out more come visit our standin Hall2, stand13at CropTec21.There is a whole host of usefulinfoand what we are about onour, as well as Instagram@fieldernutrionand Facebook.

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