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Liz Lewis-Reddy

Liz Lewis-Reddy

Director of policy & economics, ADAS

Session Chair – Maximising natural capital revenue opportunities: A hard look at ways to monetise environmental deliverables on-farm

Dr Liz Lewis-Reddy is the director of the policy and economics team at RSK ADAS. She specialises in ecological and economic viability of sustainable land management. Her research focuses on collaboration with the public, private and third sectors to deliver innovative approaches to ensuring the long-term viability of UK agriculture. Liz’s experience focuses on cross sectoral collaboration to deliver innovative sustainable land management support mechanisms, such as bespoke Agri-environment schemes, Nitrate and Carbon Trading platforms and blended finance instruments. She is currently involved in a suite of projects designed to provide opportunities for future land management in the UK and across the EU. This includes work on behalf of Defra to evaluate the impact of the Sustainable Farming Incentive Pilot and the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund. Her recent work on behalf of Welsh Government includes the design of the Nature Networks Multi Year Programme, an economic analysis of the Sustainable Farming and the design of a Results Based Agricultural Payment Scheme for priority habitats.

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